Deep space transmissions: Bangkok Community Radio launches interplanetary vibrations

The city's kaleidoscopic underground finally has a home on the wireless

bangkok community radio

By Rocco Universal

Bangkok's subterranean community has grown exponentially over the past decade or so, both in terms of ground-level numbers and the vivid luminosity they emanate. Setting aside the obvious pandemic-induced restrictions, sonic seekers based in or passing through the metropolis would be hard pushed to find an esoteric music scene that isn't represented somewhere on the city's club map. The crews, collectives and rogue elements with which the nocturnal scene is comprised range in their musical leanings from the obscure to the populist and all that exists in between. Whether it's space-age cosmic, balls-out techno, hyped-up drum & bass, introspective Balearic, life-affirming disco or home-spun Molam, it's beyond doubt that Bangkok houses a selector who can tell you what time it is.

Just a few months ago I was talking to Fauve frontman Romain FX regarding my search for a new radio home for the Cosmic Tiger show - since its previous base is temporarily suspended due to Covid. He was amazed that a station didn't exist in Bangkok, and of course, he was right to feel that way. As if by some sort of divine synchronicity, just a few days later I got the call from one of the BCR organisers to invite me to contribute a show to the new project, which I was delighted to accept. The new station represents not only a unique opportunity for all of the cliques operating in the city to unite under one banner, but also promises to serve as an international stage from which the unified force can transmit their impeccable stereo selections to the wider world. There exists, after all, profound strength in unity.

The Cosmic Tiger Show is set to debut on Saturday, July 17, at 1pm (Indochina time) - joining an already superlative introductory roster of shows from a carefully chosen set of Bangkok's finest selectors, producers and enthusiasts. Some personal eclectic-minded highlights from a universally excellent line-up include our Japanese psychedelic brothers Giant Swing, refined genre-spanning party connoisseurs Transport, Bangkok's perennially on-point More Rice collective, soul-infused virtuoso Isaac Aesili, cosmic crusaders Sabai Sabai, committed diggers Jam On Toast, and jacked-up disco pimps Slum Disco Soundsystem. As I type this list, I realise that the entire schedule consists of jocks who are each fully deserving of listening attention, so my strong advice is to tune all the way in and keep that metaphorical dial locked. Bangkok Community Radio has arrived. Watch out world.

Bangkok Community Radio will broadcast every Saturday following its soft launch on July 10, expanding its schedule soon after. You can listen here

Patrizio Cavaliere