Cosmic Tiger hits the road: Potato Head Singapore

We decided the time was ripe to hoist the Cosmic Tiger flag high and set sail for some of the choicest destinations in South East Asia. First up, Potato Head SG on Saturday 18th January.


Since a big part of what we’re trying to achieve here is to highlight and join the dots between the various musical communities that catch our eyes and ears, we decided to plan a few jaunts to touch base with some of our favourites. Essentially this is just an excuse to get together with friends and jam out tunes, and we can’t think of too many things we like doing more.

Our first port of call is Singapore. Though not far in distance, it feels like a world away from our base in Bangkok. Smog makes way for clean air, traffic jams are replaced by sensible public transport, footpaths are clear, and everything is clean, polished and neat. One thing Singapore does share with our current home is a small but committed community of serious music lovers, and for this trip, we’re collaborating with DJ Dispensary boss and all-round cool dude Matty Wainwright. From his Potato Head base we’ll pay homage to the sun as it sets over the terracotta rooftops of the beautiful colonial quarter, and keep playing deep into the tropical night.

The Potato Head brand is synonymous with supporting sub-culture in the region in the form of art, fashion and music, as well as promoting sustainable living and cutting edge design solutions. From their venues in Bali, Jakarta, Hong Kong and Singapore, few organisations push the zeitgeist as hard or burn as brightly in this part of the world, and we’re over the moon to open our tour here.

Our man Rocco Universal will join Matty on the platters, and between them the pair will serve up all kinds of delights from wide realms of good music. Come along and say hello if you’re in the area, and keep your eyes peeled for our next stop, coming up in February.